
Stanton, William, PhD. A Record, Genealogical, Biographical, Statistical of Thomas Stanton of Connecticut and his Descendants. Albany, NY: Joel Munsell’s Sons, Pub., 1891

Stanton, William H. A Book Called Our Ancestors The Stantons. Philadelphia: Privately Printed, 1922.

Wheeler, Richard. History of the Town of Stonington. New York: Noble Offset Printers, 1966.

Haynes, Williams. Stonington Chronology. Stonington: Pequot Press, 1949.

Cave, Alfred. The Pequot War. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1996.

Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Vol. 10, Third Series. Boston: Published by the Society, Vol. 8, series 3, published 1882.

DeForest, John. History of the Indians of Connecticut. Archon Books, 1964 (First edition published in 1851).

Hooker, Roland. The Colonial Trade of Connecticut. Tercentenary Commission of the State of Connecticut, Booklet Number L (50). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Love, William DeLoss. The Colonial History of Hartford. Hartford: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1914.

Radune, Richard A. Pequot Plantation, Branford, CT: Research In Time Publications, 2005.

University of Connecticut Libraries. Colonial Connecticut Records, 1636 – 1776. Vols. I – IV. Digitized copy of Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut.  University of Connecticut, 2000 – 2001.

Zubrinsky, Eugene C., “Thomas Stanton of Connecticut and the Longbridge Tradition.” The American Genealogist, Vol. 81, no. 1
(January 2006), 48-52 and “The Immigration and Early Whereabouts in America of Thomas Stanton of Connecticut.” The American Genealogist, Vol 81, no.4 (October 2006), 263-273.

Stonington Graveyards- A Guide, Stonington Historical Society, Stonington, CT 1980.

The Historical Story of Charlestown, RI 1669-1976, Frances Wharton Mandeville, Pub. by The Charlestown Historical Society.

The Fine Old Town of Stonington, Kathrine B. Crandall, Pub. by The Book and Tackle Shop, Watch Hill, Rhode Island.

History of First Congregational Church, Stonington Connecticut 1674-1974, Pub by The Road Church and the Stonington Historical Society. Copyright 1974 First Congregational Church, Franklin Press; Norwich, CT.

The Diary of Thomas Minor, Stonington CT, 1653 to 1684 by Sidney H. Miner and George D. Stanton Jr. 1899.

Grace Wheeler’s Memories, Pequot Press, Stonington CT, 1948.

The Forgotten Chapters: My Journey into the Past by Katherine Dimancescu.

Trapped in Time: A Genealogy of Stantons”, by Robert Stanton.

“The Battle of Groton Heights” by William W. Harris.

“An uncommon Union: Henry B. Stanton and the Emancipation of Elizabeth Cady” by Linda C. Frank.


This is only a partial list of relevant references. The list may grow as our online presence becomes better known. Please suggest resources to add by emailing the President. View an index of the Thomas Stanton Society Newsletters. Life members will receive a CD or thumb drive containing all previous newsletters.

Katherine Dimancescu has published

“The Forgotten Chapers:
My Journey into the Past”

… a book which offers readers a window into the lives of some of her (and many of our well-known and not so well known maternal ancestors who helped shape early New England.

Robert Stanton has published

“Trapped in Time: A Genealogy of Stantons”

… a book which extensively details the genealogy of Thomas Stanton going back into England.

Other books of interest:

“The Battle of Gorton Heights”
by William W. Harris.

This book is a “collection of narratives, official reports, records, etc of the storming of Fort Griswold, and the burning of New London by British troops under the command of (the traitor) Brig. Gen Benedict Arnold, on the sixth of September, 1781. Stanton men were killed and wounded there that day.

“An Uncommon Union: Henry B. Stanton and the Emancipation of Elizabeth Cady”
by Linda C. Frank.

Both Henry B. and Elizabeth Cady are descendants of Thomas and Anna Lord. From the author’s notes: “When Elizabeth Cady met Henry B. Stanton in 1839 she was the privileged daughter of a wealthy New York lawyer who was expected to marry well and live quietly and gracefully. Instead, over the objections of her family, she married a passionate abolitionist and entirely changed the trajectory of her life by soon becoming the leader of the nineteenth century woman suffrage movement,”

“Alamo of the Revolution, Benedict Arnold and the Massacre at Fort Griswold”
by Jerald P. Hurwitz

What makes this a very intriguing read is the description of the burning of New London, the storming of the fort, and a very detailed accounting of what happened to individual defenders.

Research (by Rick Stanton) has shown that amongst the fort’s approximately 163 defenders, at least 23 are descendants of Thomas Stanton and Anna Lord or a spouse of a descendant. Another 38 defenders have some sort of in-law relationship to a descendant. This makes for an eye-opening total of 61 defenders (37%) who are part of our extended family!