Happy 350th birthday to the Road Church

The Stonington, Connecticut, church co-founded by Thomas and Anna Lord Stanton is celebrating its 350th anniversary.

The year-long celebration of the First Congregational Church of Stonington (the Road Church) will kick off with a Founders’ Day Festival from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 1. Rain or shine, the festival will have games, arts and crafts, music, and food. All except the food trucks will be free. The church will be open for visiting.

At 10 a.m. the next day, a community outdoor church service will take place under a tent. The special guest and speaker will be Dr. Charles Hambrick Stowe, a pastor and historian who will talk about the church and Stonington.

During the year that follows the church will host monthly speakers and musicians, and possibly a BBQ on Labor Day weekend 2024.

The Thomas Stanton Society is a proud sponsor.

Road Church Anniversary event flyer